Tuesday, 27 January 2015

My Radical Self Love Bible

February is the month of love, and what better a person to love than yourself? I've officially made it a point to actively love myself and treat myself and honestly, date myself. I buy myself nice things, go to the movies alone, make an effort to get to know myself better. And recently, I started my own Radical Self Love Bible. If you follow me on instagram or twitter I'm sure you've seen a bunch of my post. I made this post to encourage you to make your own. Now I'm sure at this point you're asking what exactly is "The Radical Self Love Bible?"

The Radical Self Love Bible was a project started by blogger Gala Darling and the main objective is to get people to fill up a blank sketch book with feelings, thoughts, positivity in an effort to get to a palce where we love and accept ourselves. For more info check out her blog at galadarling.com

This project drastically helped me on the journey to loving myself, being able to create and write down thoughtful, kind words to myself helped me a great deal and all you need is a pen, some magazine clippings, glue and your thoughts. Let go and make art and have fun and get creative! Such a fun and amazing project :-)

Here are some examples/inspirations you can use your self love bible

Monday, 12 January 2015

Playlist Tuesdays

ARTIST 2 WATCH 2015: TINK. All I can say is Nicki finally has some competition! TINK is an up and coming singer/rapper and is currently killing it. She has some other great songs like M.E.N., but here's one of her more popular hits Around the Clock.