Growing up sucks.. It's really shitty and hard and emotionally exhausting on it's own but the most frustrating thing I've come across in early adulthood is this unspoken rule that I should know all this shit. Like at 18 a magical fairy comes into my room at night and places a crown of knowledge upon my head and just like that I can file my own taxes and not get an anxiety attack whenever I walk into DMV without my parents. As wonderful as that sounds THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS. So here's all of the things I've learned via fucking up until I got it right.
1. Take care of your health.
I know this seems like a kind of duh tip. But take this into serious consideration. Are you physically active? Do you go in for regular check ups with your doctor? Do you have a balanced diet? Most college students will probably say no. It's really crucial to take care of your health, now because of obamacare young adults are allowed under their parents insurance until they're 26. However, when you get dropped off your parents insurance you don't want to be battling a bunch of health complications because you weren't taking care of yourself. Take advantage of your insurance, go in for annual check ups, stay on track with your health.
2. Learn how to cook.
The freshman fifteen can be avoided. Most people gain a lot of weight after high school because that year away from home is spent living off of ramen, hot pockets and fastfood. Do yourself a favor and pay attention to your Mom and Grandma in the kitchen so you can cook yourself balanced meals.
3. Look into getting a life insurance plan
I know you're thinking, "why would I need a life insurance plan? I'm only in my twenties???? unnecessary bills??? no thanks????" well, a wise man once told me life's one big party when you're still young but who's gonna have your back when it's all done. It's great to start looking for life insurance now when you're in your 20's because the rates are more often than not going to be lower for you, because you're less likely TO DIE as opposed to getting it when you're 50 where you're more susceptible to diseases and viruses. If you purchase it when you're younger you lock in your premium, which is basically your payments being made towards your life insurance plan, and it will never go up, guarenteed. SO LOOK INTO GETTING LIFE INSURANCE BECAUSE YOLO
4. While we're on the topic of plans, seriously consider a 401k. What is a 401k?
So I like just found out what a 401k was this past year so don't feel bad if you didn't know what it meant either, but if you did KUDOS 2 U. But basically a 401k is a reitrement plan. It's usually provided by employers, and what they do is take an amount out of every paycheck before taxes are subtracted and put that towards a retirement fund for you. You're in your 20's I get it, young entrepeuners are thinking about kick-starting their careers not ending it. The best example I could give of why you should invest is think of it this way: you begin saving at 25, right? putting away $2,000 a year for 40 years thats like $560, 000, assuming earnings grow at 8%. So it's a total no brainer, save a little now and reap big rewards duh. The reason a lot of young people don't do this is because a lot of 20 something year olds aren't told useful shit like this. EDUCATE THE MASSES.
5. Apply for credit cards.
Do not go applying for like ten different credit cards. My advice just start out with one. When you're older you're going to start looking into things like buying a house, getting a car, or maybe even starting a small business, in order to do things like that you need good credit. How do you go about getting good credit? Credit cards are one way. As long as you use the card ONLY when you have the physical cash to pay it back promptly, credit cards can be a major tool in building credit scores.
6. Learn basic car maintenence.
It's always nice to not be stranded in the middle of a bad horror movie with a flat tire and no cell signal. So do yourself a favor and learn basic car maintenence. Learn how to change the oil for your car and how to switch out a flat, nothing too fancy.
7. Fuck up.
I'm not telling you to get arrested or fly to Vegas with your high school sweetheart and elope. But I'm telling you to allow yourself some leeway to fuck up. When you're at this point in your life, no one is expecting much from you. That sounds rude but it's true. Allow yourself to make mistakes, to have fun, live a little because one day you will have a spouse and a job and children and though they won't be a ball and chain, you will never get the shot at the selfish freedom you're gifted in your 20's. You could wake up tomorrow if you wanted and fly to Paris because you said so and who's stopping you? You can do whatever you want so soak it up and revel in. Be selfish with your time and careful with your company.
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