Saturday, 8 November 2014

Following Your Dreams: Where to Start

So these past few days, I've found myself struggling with my depression more than I have in a long while and in those days I felt like I lost track of my dreams, of why I've been doing the things I'm doing. I've been in this sort of slump and so I needed reminding and that's why I decided to write this post and if you guys want to follow your dreams but don't know where to start this is perfect for you.

It's never too late to start following your dreams.
It's important you understand this. In high school I fucked up. Like a lot. I messed up my GPA so bad that counsellors were calling me in weekly and I went to summer school nearly every summer of my high school career. That being said, I did graduate from high school. I got to college and in my first semester got nearly straight A's and would have made deans list but unfortunately because of circumstances at the time I didn't. I fell off track and fucked up again and stopped going to school, my GPA suffered. Now I'm telling you this because not even a few months ago I had a meeting with one of the fashion schools I was applying to. I was in L.A. and on a whim I went in there, not expecting much out of it I don't even really know what I was expecting to do but I had been emailing a counsellor in the school there for a year and I just decided whatever it's worth a shot. So I went in, I told her my story, the deal with my depression, the deal with my grades and a few short months later I'm back in school working to get my GPA up because that fashion school, my dream school wanted me to pick up my grades so they could take me on as a student.

Never quit. Never stop working towards your dream. Never let anyone tell you you can't do something, not even yourself. 

"I want to be more than one thing when I grow up"
Now, I don't know if this is something that anyone else actually still struggles with over the age of 7 but as a real grown up (as I like to refer to myself as sometimes) I totally still do. The idea that you only have one true calling is both played out and damaging and it comes from being asked "what do you want to be when you grow up?" as a child.  At first for me it was being indecisive with majors, being torn between wanting to study social work with a minor in women's studies or go on to study fashion and work branding for stores. I mean those were two completely different fields, so it was hard for me to choose. Well for everyone like me, I have good news. Multipontentiality. It's a big word I know, but stay with me.

Now the wikipedia definition of multipotentiality is and I quote, an education and psychological term referring to a pattern found among intellectually gifted individuals. [Multipotentialites] generally have diverse interests across numerous domains and may be capable of success in many endeavours or professions, they are confronted with unique decisions as a result of there choices.

Basically, you're a fucking genius. So go on and build your empire, girl. You can do more than one thing, you can have more than one calling in life. People do it all the time. Don't put limits on yourself because society told you so. Believe in yourself and the possibilities are endless.
Don't downgrade your dream just to fit your reality. Upgrade your conviction to match your destiny. 

Never settle. Never convince yourself that it was too big, or too unrealistic or too scary. BE UNREALISTIC. BE TERRIFIED of your dreams. I read a book by Jay-Z once, and you should read it by the way and basically what he says is to never fear failure. Because the way it is, is if there's nothing after this, no such thing as heaven or God, so you've got one shot at life might as well make it worth it. OR, there is more, there's an afterlife so even if you do fail, if things don't work out who cares, you've got another shot, right?

Be an opportunist. 
More often than not, opportunities are missed because they're dressed up as hard work! Never be afraid of hard work. In life you will wade through a lot of shit. It will suck and you will want to give up and honestly, sometimes you will. Sometimes you'll get mad you'll hate everyone and just fucking quit. But it's okay, because no matter how many times you quit get right back at it. Keep going back for more. You may be up against all odds, and you might feel like the smallest person in the world but that just means you have a big destiny, the size of your problem is only an indication of the size of your future. 

Following your dreams. Living your dreams. 
Know the difference between these two. Following your dreams will not always be glamorous, depending on your dreams it may be late nights studying, or double shifts working shitty jobs, or doing internships working for free when you're poor. THAT is following your dream, working in an attempt to live your dream, which is doing something you love for a living. I can't stress this enough because people (including myself) think following your dreams is going to be like the Carrie diaries where you bump into someone who's like hey i like your purse want to work for me. No, it's hard fucking work and it's shit but it's all worth it in the end. Living your dreams is doing whatever you love and making that your livelihood

No matter how many times you fail don't give up. 
People don't want to hear a story about someone who had everything handed to them about someone who had it easy because people can't relate to that, I know I can't. People want to hear a story about the fuck up about someone who was handed shit and turned it around, THATS a story worth hearing. So keep making mistakes and keep trying and no matter how many times you fail keep coming back and come back harder than before. Understand that it's a mind state. Coming from a small island I used to think that people from the states had better oppurtunities, better experience, more talent I used to look in the mirror and think "why me? why of everyone in the world why should I get my dream?" Now I wake up in the morning and I ask myself why the fuck not me? Let THAT be your motto. Don't be afraid of failing, be fearless in the attempt. 

Don't waste another second doing something you don't love. And if you are doing something you don't love, then I hope it's in an attempt to spend the rest of your life doing something you DO love. Good luck guys, I believe you and I know you can do! 

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